How to stop fighting and Let it Go!
How to stop fighting and Let it Go!

How to stop fighting and Let it Go!

It’s important to remember that a conflict only arises when both parties engage. Similarly, negative emotions can linger if we give them attention and energy. So instead of fighting, practice letting go or being at peace with what is. Self-Control is the key to achieving a peaceful life. Look at my “Tools for Building a Triumphant Life:” for more guidance.

Inspiration on How I Learned to Stop Fighting

My grandfather’s words, “It takes two to fight, Dai Dai!” always stuck with me. I thought I understood their meaning, but it wasn’t until I started practicing mindfulness that I realized my role in conflicts and struggles. Now, I am more confident in my ability to control my reactions and accept responsibility for my actions.

As a child, I was filled with love. I strongly desired to learn and teach, as discussed on my home page’s “About Me” section. However, my passion for teaching often put me in various situations, as I always wanted to share my knowledge with loved ones and others. Therefore, whenever I heard people discussing their beliefs or thoughts,  I felt confident in offering my perspective to help them gain a deeper understanding rather than relying on mere beliefs or conjectures.

Although I always intended to share my knowledge, some people perceived me as a “know-it-all” and didn’t appreciate my input. Initially, this bothered me, but it also made me realize that not everyone is open to learning and personal growth. Therefore, I have learned to respect their choices and let them go rather than forcing them to change. Now, I focus on those who value my knowledge and contributions.

A piece of advice that my pop-pop shared with me that helped me stop fighting
A message from the encouraged one

Gaining Self-Control

Achieving Self-Control may seem daunting, but it’s not impossible. It requires unwavering dedication and the ability to accept our limitations. Rather than feeling discouraged, we must learn to let go and allow ourselves to be vulnerable. Surrendering control can be the key to unlocking the power within us and reaching our goals. Recognizing our limitations and working within them is essential to achieving true discipline.

Imagine yourself in a scenario where you find yourself behind the wheel of a vehicle with shattered windows, desperately trying to prevent something you value from flying out. However, the harder you grip it, the more your grip on the road weakens. Losing control of the car could lead to serious harm to both yourself and others on the road. When faced with a difficult decision, will you prioritize your well-being or that which you hold dear?

It’s important to remember that sometimes letting go can actually give us more control. This applies not only to physical possessions but also to negative thoughts that can consume us. It’s easy to get lost in our minds and forget about the world around us. Have you ever driven home from work and realized you don’t remember anything you saw on the way? This happens when we focus too much on our thoughts instead of our surroundings.

Stay focused and determined, and always remember the importance of your mission.

God, grant me the Serentity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.

Serentity Prayer

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